Welcome to the CAF Wings Over Houston Airshow! You’re in the right place to register for credentials, get information about our performers and download images. Public relations inquiries should be directed to
Media credentials are issued to working professional journalists, employed or contracted by bona fide media outlets, who have an assignment related to the Airshow. Credentials allow access to media-only activities, the media area during the show, performer interviews, TV live shot set-ups, etc.
You must apply online here; we do accept applications by email or fax. We do not accept credentials or “press passes” issued by companies that sell them. Your application must be completed in full, including what media coverage the airshow will receive after the show. Only two persons per media outlet will be issued credentials (with rare and justified exceptions).
Credentialed media may NOT bring family or friends into the media area nor apply for false credentials to gain their access. We do not serve food or drinks. Issued credentials will be personalized and require photo ID for parking in the media area and entry to the show.
Credential Applications: Open Now until OCTOBER 1 midnight
• Credentials are processed and confirmed before the show
• International journalists are processed upon receipt
With any questions or issues, please contact Griffin Communications Group at
Additional resources below:
- Press Kit
- News Releases
- Approved Media Photos & B-roll
- Media Policies & Logo Usage
- Media Credentials – To apply online for media credentials go here, or contact Griffin Communications Group at
Public relations inquiries should be directed to